If the word “adventure” to you means trying a different flavor of Cheetos, you need to get more: literally.
And thankfully, Morton West’s Adventure Club has your answers… without those orange cheesy fingers.
The leaders of each Adventure Club from the three Morton schools went Friday, Oct. 6, to Mullen Rd Delton, Michigan. with the goal of creating better connections between them. In this way, no matter the distance that separates Adventure Club leaders or the issues that they have to deal with, they will always be together, and know how to find a solution to different problems. More importantly, they will know how to work as a team due to the strong bond they will create through these experiences and challenges, which they will have on these kinds of trips.

To begin with, Adventure Club was not always running at Morton West. The Club was introduced by the Earth Science teacher Mx. Herrera who was a Morton East graduate and participant in Adventure Club from 2000 to 2004. When she began working for Morton West as a teacher, she was greatly impacted by the fact that for more than 20 years the Adventure Club was never shared at Morton West. This was the reason why Mx. Herrera decided to create Adventure Club in Morton West. Her goal was to be able to share with the West students the same wonderful experiences she had when she was also a Morton high school student.
For Mx. Herrera, the trips bring back fond memories.
“I like this place because it reminds me of when I was in High School. It reminds me of when I also used to do these kinds of camps with my friends from the club”, she also added that “Adventure Club has a great connection with one of the park managers, where we are going to camp because, since the beginning of Adventure Club in East, the club always travels to that place.”

Morton West Adventure Club leaders also weren’t shy in sharing the benefits they see with the club and its trips.

“It’s my first time visiting Michigan, and camping!” said club historian Sebastian Moreno Gutierrez. “I feel so lucky to be able to live this type of experience and even more so because my friends will be there with me.” It is his first year as a leader in the Club, and he said that he does not regret having made that decision. He says that although it takes a great responsibility to take on an important role like this, having these kinds of privileges and opportunities is completely worth it.
Bryan Axel Valdes, the club’s safety leader, is a nature lover with great enthusiasm who shared his excitement for the trip.
“It is exciting to explore nature in more depth. I find it impressive and even regrettable how modern societies are increasingly moving further away from their roots, from the real world.” He add that, “My job as a leader this year it will not only about keeping my classmates safe from different difficulties that might be throughout our trips, but also about transmitting to them the beautiful habit of how great it is to have a connection with our own planet and its natural biodiversity.”

Without a doubt, not only the creator of this wonderful Club at West is excited about this trip, but also the leaders of the Club itself. This camp it will be a great new experience for some as well as for others, the way of sharing huge important life habits.