Become an NHS Member
March 16, 2023
If you’re looking for a beneficial honors program look no further National Honors Society (NHS) might be your solution. This organization is student-run because the program involves students that will become the leaders of their community. Andrew Boland a TSI teacher and the sponsor of NHS said, “NHS was founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.” In order to get into the NHS program, a student has to have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and completed a form requesting for them to join. Since NHS is student-run, 8 students are in charge of guiding the students involved with the program. These 8 cabinet members run the program. When you get assigned your cabinet member, they help you with the tasks you get assigned to complete. Only previous NHS students are allowed to become cabinet members. Destiny Vargas, Senior says, “I chose to become a cabinet member because it was an extra way to show my leadership skills and since NHS is a student ran club it was a way to bring positive impact and perspective to our campus organization.”
Many might think that being part of the NHS program could be hard since the word “honor” being the title. However, Vargas believes that the only hard thing would be to maintain balance between keeping their grades up and completing their service hours. Yet many students take on the challenge to better their education like Anali Gonzalez a sophomore student. “I decided to join since it seemed like a good opportunity to expand my bubble and get out there,” says Gonzalez. NHS is built of four pillars: scholarship, leadership, community service, and character. The given task for this program is to complete a certain amount of community service hours. If it is your first year initial year in the program the goal is 10 hours by the end of the school year. However, if you already have experience in doing service hours your goal is 20 hours. Boland says, “NHS is a service-oriented program that selects the very best students to give back to the community that has given so much to them.”
A lot of responsibility comes with being an NHS member. Students have taken on this challenge since the outcome of your effort is very rewarding. So if you get sent an invitation letter to your house take the chance and become an NHS member which benefits you and the community around you.