A Tale of Two Romances

February 2, 2023

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? Romantics see it as a chance to celebrate the power of love, but to be honest, the meaning of “that special day” is different for everyone. The student staff here at The Sterling decided to dig into the perspectives – similar and different – by sharing some words of Valentine’s Day wisdom from our very own Michelle Vasquez and Anthony Vargas.

Enjoy, and happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day- A Woman’s Perspective

It’s January, the stores are stocked with boxes of chocolates, teddy bears, and flower arrangements. Love is in the air. Or it’s supposed to be. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

As women, what do we expect from our significant others or loved ones on this holiday? Or what do we think of this holiday overall?

As February arrives, advertising for Valentine’s Day becomes heavier. You begin to wonder, “Is he/she going to ask or should I ask to be their valentine? Am I supposed to expect flowers on that day from my lover? Am I even going to have a valentine this year?” It is safe to say it may become a little stressful at times.

Valentine’s Day may be a little hard to navigate for some women. You may be a little unsure of how seriously your lover is taking this holiday. Are we just trying to do something small or are we trying to dedicate all of our time and effort for the perfect outcome?

For some women, they have a different stance on Valentine’s day. It may just be any other ordinary day for them. Nothing is expected from them nor do they expect anything from others. Just a day for corporations to profit off of.

Although some women view it as not only a holiday for their significant other but to also show love and appreciation to people who compliment their life.  Ranging from friends, to siblings, to parents, it’s a day to show that love really is all around.

Yet women in relationships or “situationships” may expect a little something. Depending on the woman, she may prefer the most biggest gestures. Surprising her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a reservation to dinner, and quality time on that day. Or she may prefer something small like chocolate-covered strawberries, a letter, and some flowers. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive gesture, just the most thoughtful. Just knowing that a lover thought of them and tried their best to do something for them, makes them feel warm inside. It may also be a little difficult to know what to get your lover in return. Do they really want a teddy bear that may just end up lost under his bed? Do they really want their favorite candy for the 5th time again?

At the end of the day, for all parties, it may just be the thought that counts. Valentine’s day is a day to show gratitude for the special people in your life.

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Valentines Day – A “Taken” Boy’s Perspective

February 14th, a tale of two stories. Either the most complicated day of a man’s year, or a simple one.

So you’re thinking, what do I get my significant other this year?

I’ve already got her roses last year, why would she want them again? Or is it essential? Do I also get chocolates? Is that too basic?


And so the overthinking floods your mind and you are at a loss for ideas on what to get her.

We’ve all been there.

First, you cannot go wrong with flowers and chocolates. Although it may seem cliché, let’s be honest.

Girls. Love. Flowers.

Whether it’s roses, a bouquet of flowers, or tulips, get flowers. It ultimately comes down to your partner on what kind of flowers she likes. Roses do give off a romantic vibe to the season, but if your partner doesn’t like roses, there are a variety of flowers and flower shops that will have just what you’re looking for to match your partner. Girls also love sweets (most). If you think a box of chocolate would get her munching don’t be shy to buy a pack. (If you buy the chocolate you both like, the investment will allow you and her to both indulge in some delicious chocolate).

After buying flowers or chocolates (or both), giving a gift with sentimental value goes a long way. None of us men want the break the bank too hard.

Something as small as a handwritten love letter will have your partner thinking about you for HOURS. As long as you write enough to warm her heart, a love letter can clutch up your Valentine’s Day. If you are willing to spend a few extra bucks, something like a necklace, bracelet, or a small teddy bear to add to her collection just completes the day with a wow factor.

The last and most essential part of Valentine’s Day is the Dinner.

If you wait until the last minute to think about Dinner, picking her favorite fast food spot and having a car date will never fail. Music in the background, a dark night, and her favorite food will end her day off right.

Now if you are a GOOD boyfriend, you plan ahead. Making dinner reservations is easy as calling ahead or booking one through your phone at restaurants to make sure you have the perfect night. Depending on your partner, the scene and location will vary, but a Valentine’s Dinner can end the night off in fashion (GIRLS LOVE FOOD).


Personally, some out-of-the-box gift ideas for Valentine’s Day that I’ve given to my partner include a photo in a photo frame of us, an exploding gift box with a ring on the inside, and matching sweaters to wear for the spring season.

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