Down Ogden Avenue, on the way home from school, the average student of Lyons wonders where they can go for some dinner after a long day here at Morton West High School, and after mother forgot to get groceries, a quick stop must be made to fill our empty stomachs, and a place nearby that quenches the after school munchies are two stands in the street of Joliet Avenue: Pop’s Beef… and Stella’s Restaurant.
The first order of business is to get out of school… after exiting the school, we travel all the way on Harlem on bikes until we reach Ogden Ave, the one and only Route 66, and cross that bridge, and we reach our street. We’re getting beefy with it.
The first sight on Ogden, the dimly lit foggy sign, with an orange glow inside through the windows, and once you enter, a calm and inviting aura brushes the air with the smell of meat and fries. Upon entering, you’re met with the possibility of familiar faces taking your order, or at least, a well-meaning stranger behind the counter.
Opening the burger wrapper: it looks homemade and natural, and looks about well done. it has two patties, which is a plus. I take my first bite… along with the look, it also tastes homemade, and the ingredients mesh along with the warm atmosphere. It’s good enough for another bite. It really tastes like a local chain burger, which are the highest quality in my heart, as they are mostly in my eyes: a DIY burger. The imperfections make it perfect, and the crunch of the lettuce adds an extra point.
The aftertaste left after eating it for a while, does taste like grease, but it’s worth it after you down that Dr Pepper.
Further down the left on Joliet Ave, Stella’s sits there patiently waiting for whatever soul is fortuned to go inside, with its small and simple red sign, and approachable exterior. Upon entering, the vibe that you’re living in a small town hits you, and it feels like a once-in-a-lifetime road-trip restaurant, even though this is the 5th time I’m going here. Not to mention, the batting cage implanted right next to the building, with the ability to make you forget you’re even in Illinois, and that you spawned into a random side of California. and the person taking my order is always a complete stranger to me, no matter what day I come on.
It’s boxed in cardboard. Upon opening, it’s overflowing with mayo, which isn’t bad, but a little messy. It’s really flat, resembling Whataburger, but I’m not one to judge, I don’t live in Texas, and other than flatness, it looks like a Southside local chain burger. I take a bite… and the burger tastes more grilled, and the mayo satisfies it as well as the cheese. the lettuce is thinner, not leaving as satisfying as a crunch, but the main focus is on the grilled taste of the patty, and while not as otherworldly as Pop’s, it feels like a cannon event taste of a burger.
In conclusion, both are grilled and burger-able at their best. Neither is as good as Culver’s, which itself isn’t as good as Novi’s. But, that’s just my opinion: I don’t even live in Lyons. Peace and Goodnight.