As the months of the school year began to wind down, the special occasion of prom approaches! The idea of prom is typically near the end of high school as prom is a celebration for graduating students before they proceed onto their next journeys of life. The event of prom is not always the same in every high school. Students from other high schools, such as Lyons Township and Nazareth Academy have their own ideas on how they view their ideal perfect prom. Prom themes vary from each school, and for Morton West, this year’s theme is outer space. Although the theme is creative and unique, other schools are also having other cool new themes.

Of course, school proms are always going to differ from one another, this includes themes, dresses, and celebratory events. Senior Melanie Calzada from Lyons Township, shared her own opinions of her school years prom. “I feel excited but nervous about prom. Usually, we have prom at Navy Pier but it changed this year to the Field Museum. So, I’m just mostly wondering what it’s going to be like,” Calzada explained. Calzada also mentioned that Lyons Township’s prom theme this year is Starry Night. Although students tend to be excited about their upcoming prom, the activities, and the destination, students would like more information about the upcoming events. “If I’m being honest, I wish as a student they told us more about what’s happening on the prom side since not a lot of information has come out yet but it’s okay. It would just have been nicer if they included us students more,“ Calzada suggested. So while prom can be an exciting event, prom can also come with some difficulties in coordinating the event altogether, regardless, Calzada is grateful to have a prom.
As exciting as it is to hear about Lyons Township’s prom theme this year, another fellow senior, Sophia Valdez is participating in the Nazareth Academy prom whose theme is Enchanted Garden, “The idea of prom coming up, makes me very excited. I’m also excited to see how it is going to play out this year,” explained Valdez. Usually, most schools keep the prom theme a surprise, which makes students feel excited and nervous in Spring. Despite the idea of prom being showcased, Valdez also would have liked if Nazareth had an arrangement made. “Something that I would have really wanted to be added was the boat ride they had after prom. They had it two years ago but took it away. I thought it would be a fun experience,” added Valdez. Furthermore, Nazareth, Lyons Township, and Morton West aren’t the only schools that experience student opinions regarding their proms, yet, that doesn’t stop the students from not being excited about their prom and prom dates.

While prom is considered a popular event for those students who have dates, prom doesn’t exactly have to require a date to enjoy the celebration. Sophia Valdez says “I believe everyone should be included. It shouldn’t matter if you have a date or not. Prom is meant to have fun and celebrate. Whether it is with friends, solo, or couples,” Students can have fun regardless of having a date or not. Prom is a celebration where students at Morton West and other high schools are allowed to be themselves and have fun celebrating their own success and graduation. While Lyons Township and Nazareth Academy are different from one another and from Morton West, the thing the students all share in common is the happiness and excitement the students feel when they are celebrating this right of passage.