Is a career in Journalism boring or dangerous? It’s not until you are investigating a topic and you find out there is danger there. CNN photojournalist Mark Biello and his wife – a former journalist – Tracy Sadeghian, visited Morton West High School on November 20 to speak about their experiences of their career paths.
The 2002 movie, Live From Baghdad, is based on the true story of a CNN crew covering the story of the Gulf War of 1991. CNN (Cable News Network)- which was once called “the little network” – became the envy of every journalist when the crew were the only journalists who were able to broadcast the bombing of Baghdad live, hence the title of the movie.

Biello explained the authenticity of the movie. “I would say the movie is pretty authentic. Except for the fact that my character was a smoker, I never smoked. And the bandana, I didn’t have it wrapped around my head, I had it around my neck. I would say everything else is pretty authentic.” In the movie, the journalists are in a Baghdad hotel when the bombs began to fall at night. Biello set up his camera on the balcony and the crew used a 4-wire communication system to speak to the CNN control room in Atlanta Georgia. The crew broadcasted all night, and in the morning survived to broadcast the aftermath of the bombings and rubble condition of Baghdad.
Biello has experienced many life and death perils, traveling to over 90 countries, and captured compelling stories including being on ground zero at the 9/11 attacks, uprisings in Africa and the Black Lives Matter movement. However, Biello’s experience in Baghdad was historical and the most terrifying event ever.
Mark Biello and his wife Tracy Sadeghian’s visit to Morton West created curiosity in the minds of young journalists, wondering what makes a great journalist. According to Biello, it’s “a good attitude. If you’re mean or just negative in general, things won’t work out for you. But if you have a positive impact on them, it can really help you.” Sadeghian added, “A smile goes a long way, and you always want to stay professional, but always be kind to who you’re interviewing.” Both Biello and Sadeghian have those characteristics and features as they mentioned, which is most likely the reason why Biello is known in the journalism world.

Although, not only does a smile make a great journalist, but also a mentor. Sadeghian once took a leap of faith in opening her own business firm for public relations and explained the importance of having someone to guide you. “It’s very important. It’s important because you need someone to guide you and to look up to.” Sadeghian said, “But as much as you need someone to support you, you also need someone to critique your work. Those who critique make your work better.”
Taking risks is part of living and people may live 100 years without actually living a minute, and that’s what being a journalist is all about. Biello claimed, “I believe all stories are risky, but Baghdad was definitely the one story I thought I wasn’t going to make it out alive.” Yet, the Gulf War became one of the best stories of 1991, thanks to the risk the CNN crew took during that time.
Being a journalist is a great responsibility. Biello knows it, but Biello loves what he does even after 40 years. Their talk at Morton West inspired many students and aspiring Journalists with their advice and incredible stories. Thank you, Mark Biello and Tracy Sadeghian.