Decked out in full holiday spirit on December 7th, 2021 was the stage of the Chicago Theatre. To the far right of the stage were silver Christmas trees surrounded by blankets of white fabric and sparkly gifts galore. Lights of red, green, and blue shone down onto the stage and the fabric backdrop with a screen displaying snowflakes and the occasional burst of light lined the perimeter of the stage. And on this stage stood actress Zoey Deschanel and songwriter M.Ward, the talents behind She and Him.
Comedian and rural Wisconsinite Pete Lee opened up for She and Him with a short act. Backup singers also accompanied Deschanel in a few songs, especially Mele Kalikimaka sung by just the trio. Also seen was a guest appearance of Jonathon Scott, Deschanel’s husband.
The song list of She and Him were mainly Christmas songs including a modern version of Baby it’s Cold Outside, Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, and others, as it has been ten years now since A Very She and Him Christmas album came out. Also included were songs off their past albums.
Each song was opened by commentary by Zoey Deschanel. At the midpoint of the show, comedian__ came back out and talked with Zoey, answering questions such as “What is your spirit animal?” and others that audience members submitted beforehand. Many laughs and screams out from the audience could be heard throughout the show.
She and Him’s stop at the Chicago Theatre was just one of the many stops on their tour. She and Him started in Santa Barbara, California and ended in San Antonio, Texas stopping at places along the way in the span of 10 days.